Ballaugh Old Church © Peter Killey -

Ballaugh Old Church

A slightly different perspective of Ballaugh Old Church at the Cronk and it's famous leaning entrance pillars.. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the…
St Trinian's © Peter Killey -

St Trinian’s Church – Marown

The Church of Ninian (now always called Trinian) stands beside the Douglas To Peel Road under Greeba Mountain. It was built in the 12th century on the site of an…
St German's Cathedral in Peel © Peter Killey -

St German’s Cathedral in Peel.

The fine and very impressive interior of St German's Cathedral in Peel. Kirk German Cathedral is sited in Derby Road in Peel, and was opened in 1884 and finally consecrated…
Braddan New Cemetery © Peter Killey -

Braddan New Cemetery

I went up to Braddan new Cemetery today to listen to local historian Mr Peter Kelly chat to a group of us about the Archibald Knox designed gravestones, and on…
St Andrew's Church in Andreas © Peter Killey -

Andreas Church and War Memorial

St. Andrew's Church in Andreas. During the 1939 - 1945 war the original tower was reduced in height by about half because of the R.A.F airfield nearby (Click Here to…
Old Kirk Lonan © Peter Killey -

Old Kirk Lonan Church

This is one of my favourite churches on the Island. This quaint little church is dedicated to St. Adamnan and is one of the oldest churches on the Island with…
St Bridget Bride © Peter Killey -

St Bridget Church – Bride

The parish of Bride is the most northerly of the 17 parishes on the Isle of Man and its church was reputedly founded by St Bridget in the sixth century.…
Old Kirk Braddan Church © Peter Killey -

Old Kirk Braddan Church

Set in a beautiful wooded valley by the River Dhoo. The churchyard is full of Georgian headstones and is a wonderful place for photographers and anyone with an interest in…
Ballaugh Church at the Cronk © Peter Killey -

Ballaugh Old Church at the Cronk

A touch of framing of the beautiful Ballaugh Old Church at the Cronk. If you would like to read some further information about the history of this Church including some…
Jurby Church War Graves © Peter Killey -

Jurby Church – War Graves

"We honour and remember their sacrifice" War Graves at St. Patrick's Church in Jurby Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Write comment” below…