Sellafield - © Peter Killey -

Maughold Head / Sellafield

(3 images in this post) No Manx snow in Maughold so I had to add some images of Cumbria / Sellafield. All images taken from Ballafayle / Dreemskerry in Maughold.…
Bride Village from the Air - © Peter Killey -

Bride Village and Beyond

The Beautiful Bride Village, Church and beyond, extreme top right you can just see the Point of Ayre Lighthouse. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by…
Point of Ayre - Isle of Man - © Peter Killey -

Point of Ayre – Last Light

(3 images in this post) A walk around the Point of Ayre late this afternoon which finished with a lovely sunset behind the Lighthouse. (Winkie, Honky and Flashy) Feel free…
Point of Ayre - © Peter Killey -

Point of Ayre

The 3 at the Point of Ayre - Winky, Honky and Flashy. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Leave a comment” above or…
Guthries to Point of Ayre - © Peter Killey -

The Northern Plains

A view I can never tire of. Standing at Guthries Memorial on the Mountain Road and overlooking Rhumsaa, Lezayre and Bride and our nearby neighbours across the wet bit. Feel…