The Raven Pub in Ballaugh

This lovely little pub is the only Pub in the Village and stands on the TT Course at Ballaugh Bridge, however according to my Manx book called 'Manannan's Isle' by…

Ballaugh Old Railway Platform

A cold, crisp Autumn afternoon at the former Ballaugh Railway Station cattle loading platform on the Northern Railway Line which was run until 1968 by the Manx Northern Railway (MNR).…

Isle of Man Flower Festival 2013

The first image is taken at the Isle of Man Flower Festival at the quaint Cronk Church in Ballaugh, there is a sort of alternative festival going on also at…

Cronk Beach in Ballaugh

Standing at the Cronk Beach in Ballaugh and looking North twards Killane and the old RAF Jurby Head. You can easily make out the coastal erosion and man made sea…

The Road to Cronk Beach

On the little road down to the Cronk Beach at Ballaugh there are a number of lovely little cottages with stunning views out to sea and also inland towards Ballaugh…

Ballaugh Old Church

This little Church in Ballaugh always intrigues me with its leaning entrance pillars, I have heard so many myths about the reasons why the pillars are leaning that I just don't really…