Ballaugh Old Church

This little Church in Ballaugh always intrigues me with its leaning entrance pillars, I have heard so many myths about the reasons why the pillars are leaning that I just don’t really know what to believe now! Can anyone enlighten me?

The image was captured on my Nikon D80 SLR with a Nikon 18-135 F3.5/5.6 G AFS DX lens at 18mm and cropped in Adobe Photoshop CS5.

Click on the image for a larger view!

Ballaugh Old Church - © Peter Killey


  1. Alex Mealin

    Hi Peter.

    I live round the corner lol, myth has it that when the two pillars meet in the middle, the world will end. how true it is you never know, but one of the pillars has started to lean towards the road!


  2. Alyce Ellefson

    I was married in the old church in 1978, friends were Roger and Shelia Greenhouse who lived in the rectory.
    What a beautiful and and special place, Ballaugh. Such a wonderful experience

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