Manannan's Cloak - Sulby - © Peter Killey -

Manannan’s Cloak – Sulby

Manannan's Cloak - Sulby today -  Stretching from Laxey over the mountain road and down and directly over Sulby Reservoir and over towards Sulby/Ballaugh. You can just about make out the…
Sulby Reservoir - © Peter Killey -

Sulby Reservoir

Sulby Reservoir at 9am it was so peaceful and not one person in sight. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Leave a comment”…
Crammag Tholtans, Sulby - © Peter Killey -

Crammag Tholtans Video.

A short video clip to go with my last set of images of the beautiful Tholtans of Crammag high up above Sulby Reservoir, and a little further on to Lhergyrhenny…
Manx Landscape Image - © Peter Killey -

High up at Druidale

How very lucky are we 🇮🇲 Standing high up on the Druidale road, extreme left of the image is North Barrule then to the right Clagh Ouyr, Snaefell Mountain is…
Sheepfolds - Sulby, Isle of Man - © Peter Killey -

Sheepfolds – Sulby

The sheepfolds on the hillside above Sulby Reservoir and close to Lhergyrhenny, with Snaefell mountain top left. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the…
Snaefell Mountain - © Peter Killey -

A Manx Landscape Image

How lucky we are :-) Standing high up at Druidale, extreme left of the image is North Barrule then to the right Clagh Ouyr, Snaefell Mountain is in the middle…
Overlooking Sulby Reservoir © Peter Killey -

Overlooking Sulby Reservoir

A view today from Brandywell and overlooking Sulby Reservoir. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Write comment” below or by logging onto my…
Sulby Reservoir © Peter Killey -

Sulby Reservoir

Standing on the road down to Tholt y Will and overlooking a rather full Sulby Reservoir, with Druidale Farm in the back ground. Our Isle of Man countryside doesn't get…
A Cottage in the Sulby Valley - © Peter Killey -

The Sulby Valley

A couple of images from a walk this afternoon around Sulby Valley and then up to the Sulby Dam. Image 1 This lovely little cottage has the Sulby River running…