Douglas Head and Lighthouse - © Peter Killey -

Douglas Head and Lighthouse

Douglas Head and Douglas Head Lighthouse. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Leave a comment” below or by logging onto my Facebook Page…
Peel from the Air - © Peter Killey -

Peel Castle, Bay & Marina

(4 images in this post) Peel Castle, Peel Bay and Peel Marina from a slightly different and aerial perspective. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by…
Aerial view of St John's - © Peter Killey -

St Johns – Isle of Man

(4 images in this post) St John's Church/Tynwald Hill and beyond today. Loving all the trees changing into their Autumnal colours too. Feel free to make any comments either on…
Castletown Isle of Man - © Peter Killey -


(3 images in this post) Castletown looking so lovely in the sunshine. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Leave a comment” below or…
Injebreck Reservoir - © Peter Killey -

Injebreck Reservoir

(3 images in this post) Injebreck Reservoir this morning. The two aerial images you can make out the exposed bridge that becomes visible when the water levels drop. Feel free…
© Peter Killey -

Horse Trams Back on Track

Andrew the tram horse back on track and taking passengers on the Douglas Bay Horse Tramway. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Leave…
Orrisdale Lime Kiln © Peter Killey -

Orrisdale Lime Kiln

A run out on the Mountain Bike this afternoon took me to Orrisdale Lime Kiln. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Write comment”…
Maughold © Peter Killey -

Sunshine and Showers at Maughold

How could anyone ever tire of this view? Standing behind Maughold Church and looking towards North Barrule and the ridge over to Clagh Ouyr and onward to Snaefell Mountain. Feel…