Continental Market Isle of Man © Peter Killey -

Continental Market on Douglas Promenade

Just a slightly different view of the Continental Market on Loch Promenade in Douglas yesterday. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Write comment”…
Isle of Man Post Box © Peter Killey -

Letters Only

Found this lovely little Post Box in Ballaugh yesterday and thought I would add it onto here :-) Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking…
North Barrule © Peter Killey -

North Barrule

The steep Eastern slopes of North Barrule. With a whisp of Mannanan’s Cloak as well. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Write comment”…
Artania © Peter Killey -

The Artania In Douglas Bay

The Artania In Douglas Bay today (12/8/15) With a length of 231 meters she accommodates up to 1,200 passengers and has 9 decks. What a beautiful day for all her…
Fishing Boat 152 ilene © Peter Killey -

Fishing Boat B152 Ilene

Today's work done... And Belfast registered fishing boat B152 ilene rounds Peel Breakwater to drop off her catch. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking…
Garwick Mill © Peter Killey -

Garwick Mill at Baldrine

Standing at the entrance to the former Garwick Glen and looking down the road to Garwick Mill at Baldrine. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by…
St Stephens Sulby © Peter Killey -

Sulby Wesleyan Methodist Chapel

Sulby Wesleyan Methodist Chapel at Sulby Cross Roads. Built between 1912-1914 at a cost of £2,120, at one time known locally as The Theologians' chapel, as so many men became…
Mitre Hotel Kirk Michael © Peter Killey -

The only Pub in Kirk Michael

The only Pub in Kirk Michael - The Mitre Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Write comment” below or by logging onto my…
Maughold Keeil © Peter Killey -

Kirk Maughold Parish Church Keeil

In Maughold Parish churchyard lie the remains of three earlier buildings (keeils) which indicate that there was an important centre of Christianity here which was founded before the end of…
Tynwald Site, Baldwin © Peter Killey -

Old Tynwald Site – Baldwin

One of several sites where sittings of Tynwald (the Manx Parliament) have taken place. The date on the plaque gives the date as 1428. The site was chosen because it…
Sloc from Carnanes © Peter Killey -

Our Green Hills By The Sea

Standing on the Carnanes near to the Sloc and looking up the west coast of the Island towards Niarbyl Bay and onward to Peel Hill. Feel free to make any…
Raymond Caley © Peter Killey -

Raymond’s Store – Sulby

I just love this little traditional old Manx store in Sulby it's also a great Post Office and Raymond is such a gentleman. Feel free to make any comments either…
The Sloc © Peter Killey -

The Sloc

A lovely walk this morning from the Sloc up to the Carnanes to a very special place with my kids. Feel free to make any comments either on this website…
St Luke Church in Baldwin © Peter Killey -

St Lukes Church in West Baldwin

This quaint church was formerly attached to the parish church of Kirk Braddan but now Marown, the church was built in 1836 on the site of a Celtic church called…
Manx Country Cottage © Peter Killey -

Jurby Church Flower Festival

A minature Manx country cottage garden with all it's colourful wild flowers at this years (2015) flower festival at Jurby Church. The display was arranged by Ballanelson Nurseries so well…
Sulby Glen Tholtan © Peter Killey -

Sulby Glen Tholtan

A Sunday walk into Sulby Glen. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Write comment” below or by logging onto my Facebook Page enjoy…
Douglas Head © Peter killey -

Douglas Head

Tranquility amongst the beautiful wild flowers on Douglas Head. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Write comment” below or by logging onto my…