Point Cottage © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

A Little Cottage by the Sea

This cottage up at the Point of Ayre is a bit run down, anyone know what it's past is?  I seem to remember someone telling me it used to be a…
St Bridget Bride © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

St Bridget Church – Bride

The parish of Bride is the most northerly of the 17 parishes on the Isle of Man and its church was reputedly founded by St Bridget in the sixth century.…

Andreas Airfield

This small aircraft sits alone at Andreas Airfield in the North of the Island. The airfield was opened in 1941 as a Fighter Command Airfield for the RAF. The Airfield…


Grabbed this image this afternoon whilst out on my mountain bike (just before it chucked it down with rain). The image was captured on my Sony HX20V camera, resized and cropped  in…