Rose Cottage Regaby and the Hand of the Manx Giant Arthur Caley

Rose Cottage in Regaby, and the interesting aspect of this beautiful Manx Cottage is the gate pillar and the cast hand of the Manx Giant Arthur Caley.  Measured from floor to the tip of the hand it measures 7’11” which is exactly the same height of the Manx Giant, feel free to get in touch if you know the connection between Rose Cottage and Arthur Caley the Manx Giant.

The image was captured on my Nikon S8200 Camera resized and cropped in Adobe Photoshop CS6

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Click on the image for a larger view.

Rose Cottage Regaby and the Manx Giant Arthur Caley - © Peter Killey



  1. Lesley McCarthy

    My Great Grandparents lived here when it was a market garden, and they employed the Manx Giant

    • Hi Lesley thanks for this information, I would love to hear more history of Rose Cottage and indeed your Great Grandparents and the Manx Giant.


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