Ballarghey in Foxdale - © Peter Killey -

The Tholtan Ballarghey

4 images in this post - A run out with the Drone today to this lovely old Manx Tholtan which is called Ballarghey. It sits between Higher & Lower Foxdale…
Niarbyl Bay Isle of Man - © Peter Killey -

Niarbyl Bay – Isle of Man

The beautiful Niarbyl Bay looking south towards the Calf of Man late this afternoon. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Leave a comment”…
Aerial view of St John's - © Peter Killey -

St Johns – Isle of Man

(4 images in this post) St John's Church/Tynwald Hill and beyond today. Loving all the trees changing into their Autumnal colours too. Feel free to make any comments either on…
Happy Hikers Knockaloe Brooghs - © Peter Killey -

Happy Hikers

A lovely hike along the Raad Ny Foillan (Long Distance Path) Just below Corrins Tower on Peel Hill at Knockaloe Brooghs you can find these beautiful carvings of happy hikers,…
St John's - © Peter Killey -

St John’s – Isle of Man

A view from the the Marks and Spencer's Centenary Monument above the Arboretum in St John's. In the view is Slieau Whallian Plantation, St John's Church Tower, Culture Vannin HQ,…
South Barrule Plantation - © Peter Killey -

South Barrule Plantation

The hidden lake in South Barrule Plantation 🇮🇲 A fantastic lake to visit in the summer months if you want to see Dragonflies. Feel free to make any comments either…
Fungi - Fly Agaric - © Peter Killey -

Fungi – Fly Agaric

Natures wonderful autumnal colours at St Johns this morning 🇮🇲 Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Leave a comment” above or by logging…
Pretoria Terrace St Johns - © Peter Killey -

Pretoria Terrace – St Johns

Autumnal and Pastel colours on Pretoria Terrace in St Johns today 🇮🇲 Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Leave a comment” above or…
Natures Colours - Isle of Man - © Peter Killey -

Natures Colours

'Natures Colours' at the Year of our Island garden at St Johns 🇮🇲 Common Blue Butterfly Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly Hover Fly Peacock Butterfly Feel free to make any comments either…
Ballarghey, Foxdale - © Peter Killey -

Ballarghey – Foxdale

This lovely old Manx Tholtan is called Ballarghey 🇮🇲 It sits between Higher & Lower Foxdale behind Lhea Kerrow Farm, I believe it was once lived in by Philip Cain…
Simple Shadows © Peter Killey -

Simple Shadows

"Simple Shadows" Steps on the oil tank at Peel Power Station this afternoon. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the ‘Leave a Comment’ text…
Glen Maye © Peter Killey -

Glen Maye

The sweeping bend at Glen Maye. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the ‘Leave a Comment’ text in this post above or by visiting…
Dalby and beyond © Peter Killey -

Our Green Hills By The Sea

Standing just above Dalby this afternoon and looking South towards Eary Cushlin then Bradda Head and onwards to the Calf of Man. Feel free to make any comments either on…