This lovely old Manx Tholtan is called Ballarghey 🇮🇲
It sits between Higher & Lower Foxdale behind Lhea Kerrow Farm, I believe it was once lived in by Philip Cain and his family but I am unsure how long ago since it was last inhabited!
Access was with kind permission from the land owner.
This image has been added to my Manx Tholtans Page which you can access by clicking the above link.
Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Leave a comment” above or by logging onto my Facebook Page enjoy – Click on the image for a larger view.
to Peter Killey: I am writing you about your photo of an 19th century home in Ballarghey – Foxdale. Is it possible to use this photo in a book I am writing just for my family. Perhaps this is the kind of house my ancestors lived in. My ancestors Thomas Shimmin, Anne Cowley and their daughter Eleanor (Ellen) came from Patrick and emigrated to the US in abt 1846. According to the 1841 census Thomas (b abt 1825) was a lead miner. He and his family lived in Ballaarney, Patrick, but the census gave no other address. The lead mine mustbe near Foxdale, so I speculated Thomas lived near there. When I saw your wonderful photo of the old stone home, I speculated that the Shimmins might have lived in a similar home. I visited the IOM this summer and tried to find the kind of home my ancestors lived in, but had no success because I didn’t have a specific address. Since I have no way to find their home I would like to include your photo and speculate that this might be the type of home they lived in. If you have any photos of the kind of house miners in that area lived in, I would be interested in using it in my book if I have your permission. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Lani Marks Hahn
Hi Lani, yes of course you can use the image, all I ask is credit to Peter Killey –
Good luck with your book.
Thank you very much for your permission to use your photo in my book. is there a charge? Is it possible that the 1841 census address ” Ballarney” of my. 3rd great grandfather Thomas Shimmin is a different spelling of Ballarghey. Is that the name of the actual house in your photo or is it the name of the house’s location.? Is there any chance this is the house my ancestor lived in in 1841? Is it possible that lead miners who worked in the Foxdale Mines could have lived in this area?
Your work has contributed to my knowledge of the world of my ancestors. Your island is so lovely. My ancestors must have missed its beauty when they left to emigrate to Illinois where there was a lead mine in Galena, Illinois.
Lani Marka Hahn
Hi Peter,
I wrote you last night, but i don’t see it posted, so I am writing again. Thank you for your reply to my request to put your photo in my book about my ancestors on the IOM. 2 questions.
1. Is there a charge for use in my book and what is it per photo? I certainly will give you credit and refer my readers to your wonderful website.
2. Could Balla Arney, Patrick where my miner ancestor lived according to 1841 census) be the same house/place as your photo titled Ballarghey?
Thank you for sharing the wonderful world of the IOM so the world can see your lovely island.
Warm regards, Lani Marks Hahn
Your very welcome.