Churches on The Parish Walk by Peter Killey - 2016

My IOM Churches Stamp Collection

I am feeling rather honoured to have my images used and my name printed on a full Isle of Man Stamp collection showcasing all 17 churches of the Manx Telecom…
Ballacraine Farm © Peter Killey -

Ballacraine Farm St John’s

The lovely Ballacraine Farm at St John's today. Always so colourful and always looking good. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the ‘Leave a…
Cyclefest in Ramsey © Peter Killey -

Ramsey Flower Shop

A great effort by the flower shop in Ramsey welcoming Cyclefest to Ramsey (May 2016). Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the ‘Leave a…
Port St Mary © Peter Killey -

Port St Mary Quayside

Port St Mary quayside with the Lobster Pots and Fish Boxes ready for the next trip out. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the…