Merry Christmas 2014 © Peter Killey -

Merry Christmas

Nollick Ghennal as Blein Vie Noa.

Merry Christmas to all my followers and friends I really do hope you have enjoyed my Isle of Man Images throughout the year, and I wish you all a Prosperous and Healthy 2015 when there will of course be lots more Manx Scenes. Hee’m oo ‘sy vlein noa (See you in the New Year).

Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Write comment” below or by logging onto my Facebook Page enjoy – Click on the image for a larger view.

Merry Christmas 2014 © Peter Killey -


  1. Eleanor

    Happy Christmas from us too, and all best wishes for 2015.

    Eleanor and Michael

    • Thank you Eleanor and Michael for your continued support for my Isle of Man Photography.


  2. Bill Jenkins

    Thank you for all your photographs throughout 2014. I stayed in Glen Vine years ago and looking at your photos brings back a lot of memories, especially the ones of old marown school up the hill. I look forward to 2015 for more photos. Have you ever noticed the house with the twisted chimney stacks just past the Church in Glen Vine? That used to be a talking point with the tourits.

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