Guthries to Point of Ayre - © Peter Killey -

The Northern Plains

A view I can never tire of. Standing at Guthries Memorial on the Mountain Road and overlooking Rhumsaa, Lezayre and Bride and our nearby neighbours across the wet bit. Feel…
Tholt y Will Farm © Peter Killey -

Tholt y Will Farm (Yn Alt)

The long abandoned farmhouse of Tholt y Will Farm which is high up in the hills overlooking the Sulby Valley with the traditional Hawthorn tree situated near to the front…
A Manx tholtan Called Croit © Peter Killey -

Another Manx Tholtan – Croit

A lovely walk today to another beautiful old Manx Tholtan, this particular Tholtan is called Croit and is on the sloapes between Druidale and Sulby Reservoir. Makes you appreciate just…
Upper Grange Tholtan © Peter Killey -

Upper Grange Tholtans Lezayre

A lovely walk this afternoon, this image is overlooking the remote but beautiful Tholtans of 'Upper Grange', which is high up on the Narradale track above Sulby. Feel free to…
Salmon Leap Sulby © Peter Killey -

Salmon Leap – Sulby

I love this beautiful area of Sulby. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Write comment” below or by logging onto my Facebook Page…
Lezayre © Peter Killey -

A Manx Scene from Lezayre

A lovely walk around Lezayre the other day, I just love that wonderful Horse Chestnut Tree in the centre of the image. Feel free to make any comments either on…

Kirk Christ Church in Lezayre

I couldn't resist capturing this view of Kirk Christ Church this morning on the way back from Ramsey. The image was captured on my Sony HX20V camera, resized and cropped  in Adobe…

Sulby River

This Manx Tholtan can be seen from the main road in Sulby Valley, it lies at the foot of Ballakerka Plantation and the river runing in front of it is…