Pasages RAF Jurby Head - © Peter Killey -

Pasages & RAF Jurby Head

(5 images in this post) The sandy Jurby coastline including the former RAF Jurby Head and shipwreck Pasages which ran aground close to Jurby Head on 3rd December 1931. Feel…
Jurby Head © Peter Killey -

Jurby Head

Standing on Ballaugh Beach and looking north towards the sandy coastline and the former RAF Jurby Head look out tower, on the right is Ballateare Farm. Feel free to make…

Jurby Church

St Patricks Church was built in 1829 and stands high up on the sandy coastline on Jurby Head. The image was captured on my Sony HX20V camera, resized and cropped in Adobe…

A Stormy Night Ahead

Looking towards the sandy coastline towards the once busy Air Traffic Control Tower at RAF Jurby Head. The image was captured on my Sony HX20V camera, resized and cropped  in Adobe Photoshop…

Sea Defences at Killane

Low tide at Killane near to Jurby Head and the man-made sea defences are clear to see. The image was captured on my Sony HX20V camera, resized and cropped  in Adobe Photoshop…

Passages – Jurby Head

The remains of Passages which ran aground close to Jurby Head on 3rd December 1931. A word of warning to anyone taking pictures of this subject the tide needs to…