Caley’s Store Sulby

Caley’s Store Sulby

With the decision by Graham to close the doors on Caley's General Store and Post Office in Sulby on March 28th 2020, I decided to ask Graham if I can…
Rose Cottage, Regaby - © Peter Killey -

Rose Cottage – Regaby

Rose Cottage, Regaby and the Hand of the Manx Giant Arthur Caley. The interesting aspect of this beautiful Manx Cottage is the gate pillar and the cast hand of the…
Raymond's Memorial Plaque -

Caley’s General Store Sulby

Passing Raymond Caley's old shop at Sulby Cross Roads today I couldn't help myself stopping and snapping a few pics of the store, Raymond's lovely memorial plaque and that old…
Raymond Caley © Peter Killey -

Raymond’s Store – Sulby

I just love this little traditional old Manx store in Sulby it's also a great Post Office and Raymond is such a gentleman. Feel free to make any comments either…
Caley's Store in Sulby © Peter Killey -

Caley’s Store in Sulby

Raymond's Store in Sulby Village And a wonderful step back in time in his traditional village store. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the…