Reayrt Chalse (Charlie's View) - © Peter Killey -

Ballafayle Maughold

Looking towards Maughold Head from Reayrt Chalse (Charlie's View) at Ballafayle. These two bronze sculptured Ravens are erected high above Ballafayle in memory of the late Sir Charles Kerruish (1917…
Ballafayle in Maughold © Peter Killey -

Ballafayle – Maughold

Standing at Ballafayle in Maughold and overlooking the green fields towards Maughold Lighthouse. How could anyone ever tire of this wonderful view? Feel free to make any comments either on…
Quakers Burial Ground in Ballafayle © Peter Killey -

The Quakers Burial Ground In Maughold

Above Ballafayle in Maughold lies this Quakers burial ground. The burial ground is alongside the narrow road through Ballajora, the plaque on the entrance to the site states that William…