Above Ballafayle in Maughold © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

Above Ballafayle and looking towards Maughold Head

These two bronze sculptured Ravens are erected on the rocks high above Ballafayle in memory of  the late Sir Charles Kerruish (1917 – 2003).  Sir Charles was a well known politician and former Speaker of the House of Keys.

What a beautiful and peaceful place this is.

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Above Ballafayle in Maughold © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com



  1. Eleanor

    I had to look closely to see this wasn’t a real bird! It is so refreshing to see art which complements the countryside rather than intruding.

  2. gail ralphs

    I love this picture one of my favorites I visited a short while back with two of my sisters my grandmother was Alive Maude Quayle from Maughold we had a wonderful time visiting with relatives and walking where Grandma walked lots of tears and laughter shared the cemetary was beautiful

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