The Nunnery - © Peter Killey -

The Nunnery and Beyond

(5 images in this post) A beautiful morning for a flight out with the Drone, The Nunnery, Leigh Terrace, Tesco and the Bust Depot, the Power Station, NSC and Hills Meadow, Hillside Avenue towards the old Nobles Hospital site and well beyond.

Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Leave a comment” below or by logging onto my Facebook Page enjoy – Click on any of the images for a larger view, the images will refresh in a loop every 6 seconds.

The Nunnery - © Peter Killey -

The Nunnery - © Peter Killey -

Douglas Power Station - © Peter Killey -

Tesco and Leigh Terrace - © Peter Killey -

Hills Meadow& Hillside Ave - © Peter Killey -


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