MS Spitsbergen - Peel Isle of Man - © Peter Killey -

Cruise Ship MS Spitsbergen in Peel Bay

(5 images in this post) Cruise Ship MS Spitsbergen in Peel Bay Isle of Man today.

A short video on my Youtube Channel 👉  Cruise Ship MS Spitsbergen in Peel Bay, Isle of Man

Year built 2009
Year of refurbishment 2016
Ship yard Estaleiro Navais de Viana do Castelo (POR)
Passenger capacity 180
Beds 243
Car capacity 0
Gross tonnage 7,344
Length 100.54m
Beam 18m
Speed 14.5 knots

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MS Spitsbergen - Peel Isle of Man - © Peter Killey -

MS Spitsbergen - Peel Isle of Man - © Peter Killey -

MS Spitsbergen - Peel Isle of Man - © Peter Killey -

MS Spitsbergen - Peel Isle of Man - © Peter Killey -

MS Spitsbergen - Peel Isle of Man - © Peter Killey -


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