Peel Castle - Isle of Man - © Peter Killey -

Peel Castle

Set on St Patrick’s Isle and overlooking Peel is the Island’s majestic fortress, Peel Castle. A few pics from inside Peel Castle and a few looking out as well. Feel…
Hay Bales – Lhen

Hay Bales – Lhen

Hay Bales at the Lhen. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Leave a comment” above or by logging onto my Facebook Page enjoy…
Port St Mary Inner Harbour - © Peter Killey -

Port St Mary Inner Harbour

A lovely stroll around the wonderful Port St Mary this afternoon, Shore Road is such a beautiful place for a photographer, just love it down there. Feel free to make…
Peel Hill and Castle - © Peter Killey -

Peel Castle and Peel Hill

Two peeps standing on Peel Hill with Peel Castle and the present Peel Lifeboat in the foreground. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the…
Laxey Wheel - © Peter Killey -

Lady Isabella – Laxey

The wonderful Laxey Wheel which is named 'Lady Isabella' today. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Leave a comment” above or by logging…
The Plains of Heaven - © Peter Killey -

The Plains of Heaven.

Standing just above the Braaid and overlooking The Plains of Heaven. Mountains from left to right: Greeba Mountain, Slieau Ruy, Colden, then across the Baldwin Valley to Carraghan, Beinn-Y-Phott and…
Castletown Harbour - © Peter Killey -

Castletown Harbour

A lovely walk around the ancient Capital of the Island.  The Swans and Signets in Castletown Harbour are so amazing. Feel free to make any comments either on this website…
Guthries to Point of Ayre - © Peter Killey -

The Northern Plains

A view I can never tire of. Standing at Guthries Memorial on the Mountain Road and overlooking Rhumsaa, Lezayre and Bride and our nearby neighbours across the wet bit. Feel…
Maughold Head - © Peter Killey -

Maughold Head

Standing at the Cairn at Maughold Head, what a beautiful view overlooking Maughold Church and onwards to North Barrule. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by…
Easyjet Runway 26 - © Peter Killey -

Easyjet – Runway 26

Easyjet cleared to land on Runway Two Six at Ronaldsway Airport (see what I done there 😆😆) Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the…