High up in Tholt y Will Plantation in Sulby you will find these crofters ruins which was the setting of a poem by T.E. Brown, called ‘Kitty of the Sherragh Vane’, an extract of this famous Manx Poem is below;
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Well, I tell ye, the first time ever I seen her, She wasn’ much more till a baby – six years, maybe,would have been her age; and the little clogs at her, clitter-clatter, and her little hand in mine, to show me the way, you’ll understand, down yander brew, and me a stranger too, that was lost on the mountain; And the little sowl in the house all alone, and for her to be goin the best part of a mile – bless the chile! Till she got me right – and not a bit shy, not her Nor freckened, but talkin away as purty as a woman of thirty- And-“That’s the way down to the School,” says she, “and Saul and me is goin there every day; you’ll easy find the way! – and turns, and off like a bird on the wing, Aw, a bright little thing.
Oh I remember these when we used to walk from Tholt y Will…happy days.