Aukland House in Ramsey © Peter Killey -

Auckland House in Auckland Terrace in Ramsey

I just love these old traditional houses, with it’s associated architecture and you generally don’t see many buildings constructed like this anymore.

Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Write comment” below or by logging onto my Facebook Page enjoy – Click on the image for a larger view.

Aukland House in Ramsey © Peter Killey -


  1. Malea

    Nice to see this picture. My GG-grandfather owned, I think, #10 Auckland Tce, just up the street. He sold it when he and his family emigrated to Australia in about 1853.

    I really enjoy your photos!

  2. nadine Crabtree

    Hello Peter
    One of my relatives – Thomas Whewell – taught at Auckland House IOM
    1863 – he later married my Gt x 4 Aunt Ellen Crabtree in Blackburn Lancashire. Another of my relatives married William Henry Crabtree in Braddan IOM – he was a tea dealer and he married Eliza Annie Stopperton – her father was a pianoforte maker :
    Stopporton John, piano forte manufacturer and tuner, 12 Solway terrace
    Thank you for the spectacular picture.

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