Aberdeen Bull at Kerrowmooar © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

Highland Bull at Kerrowmooar

Whilst we were out for a walk the other afternoon around Kerrowmooar in the North of the Island we stumbled upon this Highland Bull and his 2 friends!! Yikes…

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Highland Bull at Kerrowmooar © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com


  1. Eleanor

    What a splendid animal. He looks so docile…

    • He is lovely Eleanor but there were another 2 and they were a bit scary 🙂

  2. Susan Oates

    His name is Angus. He belongs to my 14 year old daughter along with the other 2, Hamish and Megan. They are quiet in fact I’ve got a picture of my daughter sat on Anugus while grooming him somewhere.

    • Well he is fantastic Susan, will try and grab another piccie of him next time I am passing 🙂

      🙂 Peter 🙂

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