The Plains of Heaven

Standing just above the Braaid and overlooking The Plains of Heaven. Mountains from left to right: Greeba Mountain, Slieau Ruy,  Colden Mountain, then across the Baldwin Valley to Carraghan Mountain,…

Jurby Transport Museum

A couple of very old Isle of Man Buses awaiting restoration at the Jurby Transport Museum, I have to say that the guys up there are doing a fantastic job…

St Georges Church – Douglas

This beautiful Church is the oldest Church in Douglas and was completed in 1781 - Here is a night time image. The Church also contains a beautiful stained glass window…

Peel Harbour in HDR

Peel Harbour today and the water is a bit discoloured after torrential rain on the Isle of Man yesterday (22/6/12) and overnight. This image was captured on my Fuji X10 camera dipped in HDR…

Laxey Harbour

Went for a walk around Laxey yesterday (Saturday 7/7/12) and the sun was shining and there was no rain!! Image 1 This Anchor is believed to be from the ship "THORN"…

Chainsaw Carving – Fennella

Overlooking Fenella Beach in Peel stands this wonderful chainsaw carving of Fennella which was sculptered out of a tree trunk by local chainsaw artist Nick Barlow. This image was captured…