Two pictures from Ballacraine in St Johns;
First image is the former Ballacraine Public House, now in private ownership and famous for the entry into the pub on his motorbike of George Formby in the TT film “No Limit”
Click on any of the images for a larger view.
The second image shows the colourful Ballacraine Farm which is always so brightly decorated and really depicts a true Manx Farm Cottage.
Both of the above images were captured on my Fuji X10 camera resized and cropped in Adobe Photoshop CS5
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I don’t think it was George Formby who drove into the pub at Ballacraine – it was another rider in the film “No Limit”. It was memorable for the comment of the race commentator, when he announced that a rider had gone into the pub: he checked his watch and said “It’s alright – they’re open!”.
Hi David
I may be wrong and will stand corrected –