Thornton Lodge – Peel Road in Douglas

This quaint little lodge is situated on one of the busiest main roads on the Island, “Thornton Lodge” is sited in the grounds of the Former “Thornton” which was a mansion house accessed along Peel Road in Douglas (opposite Hills Meadow) and is now the HQ for the Department of Education and Children in the relatively newly constructed “Hamilton House”.

The image was captured on my Fuji X10 camera resized and cropped in Adobe Photoshop CS5

Click on the image for a larger view.

Thornton Lodge - Peel Road, Douglas - © Peter Killey



  1. Karen R

    I love the red door and it brings my attention full on to the centre of the photo. Love it!!

  2. Thanks Karen, that red door is what caught my eye in the first instance, thank you for your kind comments 🙂

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