“Simple Shadows” From Inside Old Kirk Braddan Church


"Simple Shadows" at Kirk Braddan old Church - © Peter KilleyAn image from inside the beautiful Old Kirk Braddan Church and titled “Simple Shadows”

The image was captured on my Fuji X10 camera resized and cropped in Adobe Photoshop CS5

Click on the image for a larger view.



  1. Karen R

    I would love having that window seat in my house. It looks like the perfect place and I can almost feel the sunshine on my face. Beautiful. 🙂

  2. Eleanor

    I love Bradden Old Church – it is so peaceful. The old crosses are beautiful too

  3. Jannie, Karen and Eleanor, it is such a beautiful place to visit and to take piccies.

    I have some more to add in due course, thanks for all your valued comments 🙂


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