Low Tide Laxey Harbour © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

Low Tide – Laxey Harbour

Low Tide - Laxey Harbour Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Write comment” below or by logging onto my Facebook Page enjoy -…
Mitre Hotel Kirk Michael © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

The only Pub in Kirk Michael

The only Pub in Kirk Michael - The Mitre Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Write comment” below or by logging onto my…
Raymond Caley © Peter Killey - manxscenes.com

Raymond’s Store – Sulby

I just love this little traditional old Manx store in Sulby it's also a great Post Office and Raymond is such a gentleman. Feel free to make any comments either…
Ballaugh © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

Overlooking Ballaugh

Some say the sun always shines on the righteous and it was certainly shining on Ballaugh this afternoon. Taken from one of the tracks off the Druidale Rd whilst out…
Lezayre © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

A Manx Scene from Lezayre

A lovely walk around Lezayre the other day, I just love that wonderful Horse Chestnut Tree in the centre of the image. Feel free to make any comments either on…