A Fiery Peel Sky - © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

A Fiery Peel Sky

Standing on the Switchback and looking towards Peel, I have never seen such a vibrant sky just after sunset. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by…
Isle of Man Sunsets - © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

Three Isle of Man Sunset Silhouettes

3 gorgeous southern sunset silhouettes this evening, Ronaldsway Control Tower, King Williams College including Ronaldsway runways and lastly, looking towards Port St Mary from the bottom of Fishers Hill (just…
Lezayre Church © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

Kirk Christ Church Lezayre

I have just read a lovely old Manx book called Legends of a Lifetime by the late George E. Quayle and he makes mention that in 1890 the family of…