Ted aged 13 Weeks

On Saturday 20th Nick and myself took Ted for the longest walk of his 13 week old life along Douglas Promenade :-) Ted loved the walk but as we discovered…

A Busy Week….

Well what a week at work, I have been so busy that I have not had chance to get out in the evening for a walk and of course to…

Ted on the 16 July 2011

Ted has been absolutely fantastic yesterday and today, apart from howling though the early hous of this morning (Sat 16 July 2011). He has been so funny today, we think…

Sensor Cleaning

I thought I would spend a little bit of time today cleaning the splodge on the sensor of my DSLR, there are a couple of methods to do this, one…

Were Back

Well I am very happy to say that after a number of years absence with my photography website www.manxscenes.com I am back.  I am writing this very first blog up whilst…