On Saturday 20th Nick and myself took Ted for the longest walk of his 13 week old life along Douglas Promenade 🙂
Ted loved the walk but as we discovered he has some dislikes as well!
Basically as you can imagine there are lots of things happening on the Promenade and Ted soon found that he did not like waste bins, buses, horse trams and anyone pushing a pram, they were all big monsters to him and all he wanted was picking up whenever these situations arose.
Anyway we took Ted from Summerland to the Castlemona shops and we had to turn around because the rain started to pour down, much to the joy of cocky little Ted 🙂
Nick has has now taught Ted to sit properly and he even raises his right paw (high 5) when he gets a treat for doing something right, which unfortunately is not that often!!
More about Ted the Border Terrorist soon 🙂