Maughold looking to Cumbria - © Peter Killey -

Snowy Cumbrian Mountains

(5 images in this post) 5 Isle of Man images this morning from Maughold looking towards the snowy mountains of Cumbria including Sellafield.

Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Leave a comment” below or by logging onto my Facebook Page enjoy – Click on any of the images for a larger view, the images will refresh in a loop every 6 seconds.

Maughold looking to Cumbria - 
© Peter Killey -

Maughold looking to Cumbria - 
© Peter Killey -

Maughold looking to Cumbria - 
© Peter Killey -

Maughold looking to Cumbria - 
© Peter Killey -

Maughold looking to Cumbria - 
© Peter Killey -


  1. Paul Hoggett

    Fantastic pictures, especially the one used on the Courier. Do you know which is the hill/ridge to the right of the photo (with the chopped off left hand edge!).

    • Hi Paul
      Thanks for your kind comments, here is a copy of what a gent sent me on my photography Facebook page;

      Brilliant photograph!
      I walked these snow covered fells for years!
      From left to right, the large, flat topped lump is Skiddaw; two or three peaks along there is a pointy summit with a little peak peeking over it’s right hand side! The pointy one is Hopegill Head and the peeking one is Crag Hill!
      Then it’s Whiteside and the huge whale backed one to the right, with the chopped off “nose” is Grasmoor.
      The cliffs of St Bees below, with the dip at Fleswick Bay!
      Best wishes from “Across”!

      So I think it is Grasmoor in the Lake District.

      Hope that helps.


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