Old Jane Crookall Maternity Home - © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

Jane Crookall Maternity Home (former) – Douglas

A little bit of Isle of Man Nostalgia

(3 images in this post) This former but original Jane Crookall Maternity Home became fully functional as a dedicated Maternity Home in 1938 and closed in 1992, this building, where I was born is now administration offices for the Department of Social Care.

The property which had been bought and modified for the purpose by the then Mayor of Douglas, Alderman A B Crookall for a lasting memorial for his wife Jane.

The building is situated on Demesne Road in Douglas is now called Crookall House and if my memory serves me right there used to be a figure of a stork situated on the roof above the front doors!

There have been some very famous people born in this building (apart from me!!) i.e. Robin Gibb, Barry Gibb and Maurice Gibb from the Beegees 🙂 there are plenty more I am sure!

Also if my memory serves me right the rooms to the right of the front door were the delivery rooms!

Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Leave a comment” below or by logging onto my Facebook Page enjoy – Click on any of the images for a larger view, the images will refresh in a loop every 6 seconds.

Old Jane Crookall Maternity Home - © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

Old Jane Crookall Maternity Home - © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

Old Jane Crookall Maternity Home - © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com


  1. Peter Maskell

    Your memory serves you well Peter.
    We lived at 50 St Catherine’s Drive ( before the Gibbs brothers were born and lived in the house ) and I clearly remember seeing the stork from there.
    My young sister was born in the house on New Years Day1945 and my mother told me that the stork brought her:)
    Happy days and good memories.
    Sadly we left the island in 1949 and although my parents returned to live after Dad retired I did not, just the occasional visit and marriage in Castle Rushen in 1988. Have not been back since but still miss it!

    • Thanks Peter, interesting info indeed, my former colleague in the Fire and Rescue Service now resides in your old house in St Catherines Drive, ironically one of the Gibbs also lived down the road from your old house (Belmont Hill) and that house was called Kidborough House.

      Take care – Peter

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