Spooyt Vane, White Spout - © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

Spooyt Vane Waterfall

Spooyt Vane Waterfall.

This is one of the highest waterfalls on the Isle of Man and is situated in a very isolated but tranquil setting in Glen Mooar, the name means ‘white spout’. Close by are the remains of a keeill, Cabbyl Pherick, and a priests cell. Spooyt Vane and Cabbyl Pherick are both accessed by ‘The Monks Road‘ this ancient road is at least 1500 years old and once linked up all the Island’s 220 keills.

Thank you to my friend Pheric Curphey for allowing us access onto his land.

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Spooyt Vane, White Spout - © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com


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