Ramsey Harbours - © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

Ramsey Piers & Beyond

Looking through the two Piers at Ramsey, and beyond to our neighbours on the adjacent Isle, which looks so very close!

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Ramsey Harbours - © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com


  1. Anthony Corker

    Dear Peter Killey,
    Really find the photograph of Ramsey Piers & Beyond full of inspiration. Where is the beyond in the photograph, & how appears so near? Enjoying quality & variety of places in Manxscenes
    Thank you. Very Good Wishes, Anthony Corker

    • Hi Anthony

      Thank you for your kind comments, my son Christopher lives in Lancaster and he believes that the hills to the left are Great Gable and to the right of the lighthouse are Scaefells which are the highest mountains in England, this range is of course in Cumbria.

      The day was a very overcast and very still day and probably this accounts a lot for seeing the Cumbrian Hills so close.

      Thanks again.


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