I just love this lovely old thatched cottage in Cregneash Village.
Life must have been so wonderful living in this village in years gone bye and no doubt very hard.
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My name is George Crebbin, my Grandfather’s brother lived there in my living memory his name was Tom (uncle Tommy) He had a brother George who joined the Royal Marines and was killed on Ascension Island in Dec1918. By an incredible coincidence I went there to work for C & W in 1961, knowing nothing of this til my father mentioned it after I had the job. Even then was dubious, there are lots of islands around the world, but sure enough I found his grave with an R.M.L.I. headstone in the cemetery, one of two such. I also found his name scratched in a cave up on the mountain. He died in an “accident” falling down the steep steps of the marines barracks, there were rumours of fight. Years after I left ASC. I heard a story of a sane, sober lady who saw the ghost of a marine, in uniform, walk along the verandah and pass “through” the door at the end, right where the fatal steps are. I had no such experiences in the 3yrs & 3mths I was there and arrived home safely plus 2 children, the boy called Tom! There was another brother of that older generation who was in the Police Force in Manchester and was killed in a road accident in 1909!!!
I live in Melbourne now, but I will be visiting the I.O.M..in August. G.S.C.
My grandparents left the isle of Mann in the late 1800s they settled along Lake Superior in the state of Michigan USA they always wanted to go back they never made it my father also wanted to make the journey in their memory it was not to be now as one of his last living grand children I am determined next year to make this a happen in their memory I am 85 years old and I will make that journey to your beautiful island land of my ancestors next year if it be my destiny