Sherragh Vane Tholtan © Peter Killey -

Old Thatching Stones at Sherragh Vane Tholtan

Old Thatching Stones on Sherragh Vane Tholtan in Tholt y Will Plantation in Sulby.

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Sherragh Vane Tholtan © Peter Killey -

1 Comment

  1. margaret newton.

    Absolutely fascinating Peter, thank you.
    I grew up in a stone cottage in East Cheshire. The narrow bit, now Derbyshire.
    That had stone flag floors, stone stairs and huge stone door posts and lintels.
    4 rooms and an outside toilet. I now live in a modern bungalow in Devon with a VW campervan. How life has changed. Looking back through rose coloured specs, it was great but I wouldn’t turn the clock back.for anything. Thanks again, Mags.

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