The Derelict Cottages on Carnane Hill

High above Douglas the silhouette of these derelict cottages on Carnane Hill can be seen from far and wide around the surrounding areas of Douglas.

Maybe someone can tell us a bit more about their history??

The image was captured on my Nikon S8200 Camera resized and cropped in Adobe Photoshop CS6.

Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking on the “Write comment” below or by logging onto my Facebook Page – Click on any of the image for a larger view.

The Derelict Cottages on Carnanae Hill © Peter Killey

The Derelict Cottages on Carnanae Hill © Peter Killey


  1. Janette


    Had a great view of those cottages from a flat I used to live in, always fancied going for a walk up to see them close up – until someone told me they’d stayed derelict after a house fire that killed the family living there. Kinda put me off pursuing it, but still interested to see your photos!

    Great site, btw, love it!

    • Bernadette Snadyk (nee Crowe)

      Hi Peter,
      I am visiting the island for a week on 3rd March 2018 and would like to research Carnane Cottages history while I am there. Is there anything you can tell me about this?
      Kind regards,

  2. What super shots of these derelict cottages, just the sort of subjects I look for.

  3. Bernadette Snadyk (nee Crowe)

    I left the island when I was 18 and the story I was told when i was younger was that there was a tragic fire in the cottages which caused several fatalities- sadly some of them children. no one lived there again. this would have been possibly late 60s

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