Black Guillemots

I think these are Black Guillemots and they were lined up on the wall of Peel Harbour this morning. There were a number of photographers taking pictures of them so…

Peel Harbour in HDR

Peel Harbour today and the water is a bit discoloured after torrential rain on the Isle of Man yesterday (22/6/12) and overnight. This image was captured on my Fuji X10 camera dipped in HDR…

Castle Street – Almost Continental

I always admire this lovely little cafe and restaurant at No 21 Castle Street in Douglas. The image was captured on my Nikon S3000 digital camera and cropped in Adobe Photoshop…

Sunrise over Douglas Bay

I was up at a bit of a silly time this morning 05.15hrs and could not help capturing this Sunrise over Douglas Bay. The image were captured on my Nikon…