A Manx Thatched Cottage – Cranstal in Bride

A beautiful example of a traditional Manx thatched cottage in Cranstal in Bride.

The stones that are protruding below the thatch would have been the tie off points for the ropes that would have then secured the thatch prior to today’s new securing methods..

Perhaps someone could tell us what the protruding slates on the chimney stacks are for as I have seen these on many thatched cottages and wondered what they are for?

The image was captured on my Fuji X10 camera resized and cropped in Adobe Photoshop CS5

Click on the image for a larger view!

Thatched Cottage - Cranstal Bride - © Peter Killey


  1. Haz

    Hi Peter, the slates on the chimney are to weather the stack, it diverts the rain off the base of the stack and onto the thatch, similar to lead flashings on a conventional roof.
    Cheers Haz.

  2. Anne King

    After Mr and Mrs Larie Corkish died did the Manx trust take over and which Manx trust was it.
    I believe it is privately owned again now.

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