“The British” – North Quay in Douglas

I have always admired the architecture of this lovely "Old Douglas" building which was opened in 1898. The building was designed by an architect called Armitage Rigby who also designed several houses at Little Switzerland and…

Ted aged 13 Weeks

On Saturday 20th Nick and myself took Ted for the longest walk of his 13 week old life along Douglas Promenade :-) Ted loved the walk but as we discovered…

Austin A35 on Peel Breakwater

Spotted this beautiful, pristine little Austin A35 on Peel Breakwater yesterday, I can only presume that the registration number reflects the year the car was first registered on the Isle of Man.…

The Giant Wizard – Manannin

There are three massive hand carved items at this years Mannifest, which is held in Glen Lough Farm which is just Douglas side of Glen Vine in Marown. These two…

Bus Vannin

Right let me get one thing straight, I am not a Bus spotter :-) However whilst waiting in the lower Tesco car park on Sunday I noticed these three lovely…