Norman Wisdoms Home © Peter Killey -

Ballalaugh – Norman Wisdoms Former Home

The former home of Sir Norman Wisdom, OBE (4th February 1915 – 4th October 2010).

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Norman Wisdoms Home © Peter Killey -

Norman Wisdoms Home © Peter Killey -


  1. Eleanor

    I’d only glimpsed this from the road, so it is interesting to see what his the house looks like.

  2. Paul Wilson

    Coming to isle of man in March, pay homage to my childhood hero, at Sefton Hotel, Sir Normans, Davison’s Ice Cream, also to his grave, loved the little man, wondered where his house is on the island All I know it is just north of Ramsey?

      • Hi Peter, I am coming back over to the Island on Friday for a few days and I cant find the directions you kindly gave me a few months ago to Sir Norman’s house. Would you mind awfully repeating them please?

      • I am holidaying on the Isle of Man with my husband who is a life-long admirer of Norman Wisdom. Nobody I have asked is able to tell be where he lived, and where he is buried! Can you help please? Thanks.

      • sandy mclellan

        we’re big fans of norman and bikers so come for thr racing – we visited norman grave last year and know his former house is in Andreas but would like to know where exactly and how to get there plz ad here for the Manx and Classic TT now can you help plz?

  3. Martin Field

    Just loved Norman, he was treasure, I was in the isle of man some years ago, sorry I didn’t call to him.

  4. Michael Bent

    Hi, I’m here now but I can’t find the house, could you please email me directions, cheers mick

  5. Phil Cavill

    Would it be possible to get the house address for MR Wisdoms old home so I can pass it while on tour

    Phil Cavill
    Lodge coaches

    • Mr Denis Campbell

      Hi Mr Cavill hope you can please help I was a big fan of Sir Norman widom I have previously visited is grave on the Isle of Man which was great but I noted that someone else had contacted you to ask if you could please give me directions to is former home on I am planning another visit to the Isle of Man early next year and if you could please help with directions to Sir normans former home would be fantastic would be booked in to hotel at Douglas thank you.

  6. Mr Denis Campbell

    Sorry for the mix up with your name Mr Killey as I said in my Email as regards directions to Norman Wisdoms former home big fan of his I was reading a previous message from a Mr Phil Cavill asking for your help with directions to norman wisdoms former home if you could please help thanks and sorry again for the mix up with your name.

    • Denis drop me an email via the ‘Contact Peter’ tab and I will send the the What 3 Words to the area of Normans former house. Peter

  7. Barrie Thornton

    Hi. After spending 45 years in entertainment I am off to visit and pay homage to some if the greats. Surely Nirman being one of them. I am visiting in May and would love to drive past his former home.
    I cannot however locate the address or the house from Google maps google earth. I understand the house has recently had some renovations. Can any body advise or shed a light as to the location. Thank you

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