Port Erin - © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

Port Erin

(3 images in this post) Port Erin looking rather splendid. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Leave a comment” below or by logging…
Port Erin Bay - © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

Port Erin Bay by Drone.

(10 images in this post) A beautiful day today so I took a trip around Port Erin Bay with the Drone to take in the now demolished Marine Biological Station,…
Port Erin Bay - © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

Port Erin

A few images and a short video of Port Erin Breakwater and Bay today. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Leave a comment”…