Whooper Swans Jurby - © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

Whooper Swans – Jurby

Popped to see the Whooper Swans the other today at Jurby prior to them departing sometime very soon, 28 in total all foraging and preparing for their migration back to…
A Manx Hare © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

A Manx Hare

High up in the hills of Druidale. There is something quite magical and mystical about these beautiful Hares. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking…
Curraghs Walkway in Ballaugh © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

The Curraghs in Ballaugh

A walk through the Curraghs this afternoon and only spotted 2 Wallabies possibly due to the heavy rain last night and the Curragh being very, very wet. Feel free to…