Port Erin - © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

Port Erin

(3 images in this post) Port Erin looking rather splendid. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Leave a comment” below or by logging…
Port Erin Bay - © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

Port Erin Bay by Drone.

(10 images in this post) A beautiful day today so I took a trip around Port Erin Bay with the Drone to take in the now demolished Marine Biological Station,…
Port Erin Beach

Port Erin Beach

Port Erin Beach, looking towards Bradda Head and Milner Tower on a beautiful Manx Autumnal morning. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Leave…
Port Erin Bay - © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

Port Erin

A few images and a short video of Port Erin Breakwater and Bay today. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Leave a comment”…
Milners Tower - © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

Milners Tower

Milner's Tower on Bradda Head in Port Erin was built in 1871 by public subscription as a memorial to the benefactor of Port Erin, William Milner, who did much to…
Dalby and beyond © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

Our Green Hills By The Sea

Standing just above Dalby this afternoon and looking South towards Eary Cushlin then Bradda Head and onwards to the Calf of Man. Feel free to make any comments either on…
Cronk Ny Arrey Laa © Peter Killey - www.manxscenes.com

Cronk Ny Arrey Laa

High up on Cronk Ny Arrey Laa is this beautiful stone inscribed with the Manx Fisherman's Evening Hymn, by WH Gill. Looking further South you can make out the Sloc,…