Peel Hill - © Peter Killey -

Peel Hill

A lovely walk up to Peel Hill today. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Leave a comment” above or by logging onto my…
Port Erin Bay - © Peter Killey -

Port Erin

A few images and a short video of Port Erin Breakwater and Bay today. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Leave a comment”…
Tholt y Will Cottage - © Peter Killey -

Tholt y Will Cottage

Tholt Y Will Cottage which was a former Wesleyan Chapel in the beautiful Sulby Valley. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Leave a…
Autumn Fungi © Peter Killey -

Colourful Autumnal Fungi

Some lovely colourful Fungi that I have spotted over the last few days whilst walking the dog in the plantations. Natures colours at it's best. Feel free to make any…
Glen Helen - © Peter Killey -

Glen Helen

A couple of waterfall images from Glen Helen 🇮🇲 The first image is known as Rhenass Waterfall. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the…
Happy Hikers Knockaloe Brooghs - © Peter Killey -

Happy Hikers

A lovely hike along the Raad Ny Foillan (Long Distance Path) Just below Corrins Tower on Peel Hill at Knockaloe Brooghs you can find these beautiful carvings of happy hikers,…
Calf of Man - © Peter Killey -

Mull Circle & Calf of Man

A view overlooking Port Erin from Mull Circle and another overlooking the Calf of Man, I must say the Heather and Gorse is looking splendid down South. How lucky are…