Artic Terns & Choughs - © Peter Killey -

Point of Ayre Wildlife

Beautiful Artic Terns and a very noisy Chough at the Point of Ayre today 🇮🇲 Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Leave a…
Overlooking Ramsey Harbour - © Peter Killey -

Overlooking Ramsey Harbour

Overlooking Ramsey Harbour at Sunrise and looking towards Market Place and St Pauls Church in Ramsey with Albert Tower top right 🇮🇲 Feel free to make any comments either on…
Queens Pier Sunrise - © Peter Killey -

Queens Pier Ramsey

A New Day Begins 🇮🇲 Up for 5am to grab a few images of the sunrise at Queens Pier in Ramsey this morning. Feel free to make any comments either…
South Quay - © Peter Killey -

South Quay – Douglas

A nice walk along South Quay in Douglas yesterday with some lovely historic items that are still visible 🇮🇲 1 - The old Swing Bridge Tower. 2 - Sir William…
Honey Hill Farm - © Peter Killey -

The Former Honey Hill Farm

A lovely walk around Honey Hill Farm today 🇮🇲 I just love these old buildings. Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Leave a…
St Runius Church - © Peter Killey -

St Runius Church – Marown

St Runius Church Marown This was once the Parish church and was situated in about the centre of the Parish. The original building was from approximately 1200 AD and was…
Montpelier - © Peter Killey -

Montpelier – Druidale

Montpelier Tholtan I just loved this once loved home at Druidale, the colours were so vibrant that had to share it with you 🇮🇲 Feel free to make any comments…
Peel Marina - © Peter Killey -

Peel Marina

Peel Marina looking absolutely splendid 🇮🇲 Feel free to make any comments either on this website by clicking the “Leave a comment” above or by logging onto my Facebook Page…
St John's - © Peter Killey -

St John’s – Isle of Man

A view from the the Marks and Spencer's Centenary Monument above the Arboretum in St John's. In the view is Slieau Whallian Plantation, St John's Church Tower, Culture Vannin HQ,…